Nov 29, 2008


So for thanksgiving i went to my step dad's side in woodland. All i really did was get there, eat, watch tv, skate, skate, skate, then text Brandi for the rest of the night. Then at 1 in the morning i went to the midnight madness in napa at the outlets. Got a button up and some jeans. During the day axl, daniel and i took bus to fairfield and i seen my Brandi again. had a fun night. Almost missed the bus home and seen some girl pissing in the parking lot. Funny ass shit. Then today i just stopped by the mall on my way to my grandma's house to check if they had what i needed.=) then celebrated thanksgiving at my grandma's house on my moms side and just did kareoke for hella hours. it was a good couple of days.

1 comment:

EX-AYE-VY-ER said...

your dunksrnice zebra shirt came in today =D