Nov 9, 2008


Yesterday was a really, really great day. I went to Brandi's Birthday Party with Will, Axl, Nick, Marvin and Lorenzo. Man I was hella nervous because I was going to meet her mom for the first time. DJ got there a little late but once he got there it started to get crackin. Met some new people and they were pretty cool. Then there was the dancing. took a while but Brandi and i danced and she tried to break me off but it wasent happening.=) Thats all i really did was just dance with her and stuff. It was fun. I got to hold her plenty of times. Which was even better. Oh yah she does'nt really like that picture of us beacuse she got caked and had to wash her hair thats why it looks wet. Im Tellin you though Brandi dont trip im still going to think your pretty no matter what. Anyways we danced alot but it got cut short when i had to leave. I was pretty sad that I had to leave already because I really wanted to stay with her. She waited outside with us till our ride came and i just held her. Kinnda got the talk by someone but they are just trying to look out for her. When i got home i just talked to Brandi for the rest of the night. Perfect way to end the day. I got to see her, Got to hold her, then talked the night away. Woke up to her voice because we fell asleep on the phone again and was happy to hear her first thing in the morning.

11/8/08 is the date to remember.
She told me something that made me feel really special.
In the middle of the party she asked me to Sadies with this big ass poster.
(Sadie Hawkins Dance is where the girls ask the guys to the dance just in case you didnt know)
Your to sweet.

thanks for reading.

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