So today i went to Modesto for my cousins 18th birthday. Unfortunately i didnt get any pictures with her. HappyBirthday Nia. My mom tried to catch me off guard with a picture. But i looked up. All i did was eat, eat and eat. i could'nt use my phone cuz it was trippin and i could'nt talk to brandi like the whole day which was hella wack. And when i got home i had hella unread texts. today was kinnda boring. made a hundred dollars today tho. now im gettin up and im about to make 70 off of a sidekick and alowance. but im about to say bye bye to my hufquakes and hello cali's. then all my money after that will go to my d-40 fund. ill have it by january. WOOHOOO.

1 comment:
either i'm blind or i just need firefox to do it, but idk how to follow you. so yeah.
anddddd i don't need the sk anymore. my mom's helping me get a brand new phone+plan and shit for 65. and that's better cus' like, i'd still have to buy a replacement sim for 20 if i bought your shit? soooo yeah. thanks though!
btw, i like the hat in this blog. it matches my shoes
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