Nov 3, 2008

Halloween, Samantha's birthday, X-park

-friday i had to dress up because i was part of the filipino show. i sang nandito ako. ahahah good shit. after school i went to marvins house and kicked it with him, axl, lorenzo, and austin for halloween. It was a pretty wack ass halloween. didnt do much. but did manage to get some candy. i used a "yes on prop 8" sign as a candy bag. i still say no on prop 8 tho but im not gay. dont get the wrong idea. i just think that people should be happy and be able to get married. then i went home and talked to my cutie for the rest of the night. love our long ass talks.
-saturday i woke up to brandi's voice. =) we fell asleep on the phone and the whole call lasted 10 hours and 30 something minutes. I was sapposed to hang out with her on saturday but couldnt cuz her mom wouldnt take her out here. but its okay we'll get our time. then stayed home for heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeela long with nothing to do. got a text at 4 asking if i wanted to go out to eat for my friends birthday. so i did that at about 6. we ate at cha-am. had a great time. then had some rubios cuz i didnt eat. after we all ate we went to trisha's house and kicked it there. danced a little bit and broke off angel. What chu know. ahahah im forever going to remember that. i gots mad skills. ahahaha wow. then we had to go cuz i was going to sleep at marvins house. on our way home we wittnessed a car accident on redwood. this guy was drunk and jumped a fence and knocked over a fire hydrent. mist filled the air. the dude got out the car like it was nothing and got a bat out of his trunk and walked away. i guess he didnt want to get caught. dumb nigga. after the cops got there we dicided to go to the house cuz we didnt want them to question us. Had some good laughs that night and didnt knock out till 4.
-sunday morning came and we got kicked out of marvins house at 9:30 and we all split up. will and axl walked home and daniel, nick and i went to wendy's to grab a bite to eat. shopped at oldnavy but didnt get anything. walked home and did my chores. got a call at about 1 and rushed on my chores so i could get to benecia to skate. aaron and i killed the park and locked down a couple of moves. came home at 8 and had some gooooooooood ass pizza. got full off of 2 slices. after dinner i just talked to brandi for the rest of the night.
Somewhat cracking ass weekend. except that i didnt get to see brandi. hopefully i get to see her next week ent on her birthday. Her birthday is on FRIDAY woohoo.

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