Nov 11, 2008

Great Company.

Today was another great day. Went to the mall with Will so he could meet up with Whitney and I could meet up with BRANDI. We got there at about 1 and I was the thrid wheel till about 4 when Brandi got there. Like usuall she looked pretty but she would disagree. We left will and his date and went around the mall. She got her Honeydew snowbubble drink which she very much loves. Then she gave me this hundreds sticker which was hella nice. Thank you. Walked around for a little bit then headed to old navy. She shopped, I just helped out. And dont worry I wasnt bored. It was great being with her today, just like it always is. Time got cut short though and I had to leave. We only got to be with eachother for a good hour and a half or so. But i love being with her though. She makes me happy, even when it does get a little quiet and she stares at me. I love that. Man i wish i could have stayed with her longer. At least I get to see her on friday at the dance. Maybe even before that.=)

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