Nov 29, 2008
So for thanksgiving i went to my step dad's side in woodland. All i really did was get there, eat, watch tv, skate, skate, skate, then text Brandi for the rest of the night. Then at 1 in the morning i went to the midnight madness in napa at the outlets. Got a button up and some jeans. During the day axl, daniel and i took bus to fairfield and i seen my Brandi again. had a fun night. Almost missed the bus home and seen some girl pissing in the parking lot. Funny ass shit. Then today i just stopped by the mall on my way to my grandma's house to check if they had what i needed.=) then celebrated thanksgiving at my grandma's house on my moms side and just did kareoke for hella hours. it was a good couple of days.
Nov 25, 2008
Reaching new hights
So I woke up and had yet another great morning talk with Brandi. Great way to start the day. Talked to her from 10pm-10am basically. Then got ready and Marvin and Axl had the car so they picked me up and we drove around for a little bit. Then Marvin dropped me off at Will's house and i kicked it there till the bus came. Went down town and waited for the Salano mall bus. Got to the mall and didnt have to wait that long for Brandi. Watched Twilight. Ate. Then just walked around for little abit. Over all i had a great time. Ily Brandi.

Nov 24, 2008
Nov 22, 2008
Happy Birthday Cousin.
So today i went to Modesto for my cousins 18th birthday. Unfortunately i didnt get any pictures with her. HappyBirthday Nia. My mom tried to catch me off guard with a picture. But i looked up. All i did was eat, eat and eat. i could'nt use my phone cuz it was trippin and i could'nt talk to brandi like the whole day which was hella wack. And when i got home i had hella unread texts. today was kinnda boring. made a hundred dollars today tho. now im gettin up and im about to make 70 off of a sidekick and alowance. but im about to say bye bye to my hufquakes and hello cali's. then all my money after that will go to my d-40 fund. ill have it by january. WOOHOOO.

Nov 16, 2008
Moonlit Night

Friday night I went to Sadie Hawkins with Brandi. she was looking pretty like usuall but i know she'll have a different opinion on that. When I first got there my mom Parked next to Brandi's mom and our parents met. They seem to like eachother which makes things a whole lot better on Brandi and I. She met my sister and they thought she was super cute. When our parents left we walked to the quad and kicked it in there for a while till the dance started. Man the moon was big and bright. Yah i did get to stand there and stare at the moon and stars with Brandi for a good 10-15 minutes =) loved it. Crossed that off of our imaginary to-do list. Then headed into the dance and went straight to take our pictures. Hit me up if you want one. I hope they turn out okay. After that we really did'nt do much for like an hour because the music was hella wack and shit. Then the pizza came. Ahah you already know i was one of the first in line. Brandi was first tho fatty=) jk. Noone was eating the pizza tho so later on i had asked them for a whole box and they were kind enough to give it to me. ahah. After all of that the music got somewhat better and i had a few dances with Brandi. I did get to give her her first slow dance tho. Made me happy when she said i was her first slow dance. Pretty crackin if you ask me. Unfortunatly the dance ended at ecactly at 10 and Brandi and I had to make our way around the school to the front but we took our sweet time and walked slow because we wanted to stay with eachother longer. Ahaha HEY. Then we got to the car and her mom gave me a ride home. Thanks Auntie. Since the whole night was on reverse mode she walked me to my door and said bye. Thanks for the great night Babe. Ily
Overall the dance was alright but being with her made everything perfect.
Crossed two things off our to-do list:
-Watch the moon and stars.
-Slow dance.
Overall the dance was alright but being with her made everything perfect.
Crossed two things off our to-do list:
-Watch the moon and stars.
-Slow dance.
Nov 13, 2008
Slippin Where It's Important.
-So today was alright. Almost late to class again but its good. School was pretty gay as usuall. Same shit different day.
-Made a bet with Joanne that if I pass my permit test first try then she has to drive me any where id like to go for the whole day. But if I somehow fail then I have to drive her anywhere when i do pass. Shes paying for gas though.
-During tutoring after school I found out that my locker was trasehd with sardines. I was pretty pissed. I ran down there to check it out because I have some pretty important shit in there. Turns out that it was the locker next to mines. Which happens to be Gabe's and Armondo's. They are about to be pissed. These locker wars of ours are pretty intense. They also got Patricks locker but luckily he had just changed locker but he still had old stuff in there and got sardines all over it. That smell was terrifying.
-Walked home from tutoring and it was all ready sunset. I got to the top of the trail by where i live and posted for a couple of minutes. Sat and watched the sunset. It was pretty nice. Wish i had a camera. Could have took a pano pic. The colors were beautiful and the moon was huge. It was nice to just sit there and think for a minute. Made me think that everything for me is going just great. Great relationship, no drama with the friends, family is all good, but the only thing wrong is my grades. Im slacking real bad and i need to bring those up. But it was nice to just kick back for a bit.
-And Brandi please dont worry about a thing. I know we talked about this already but still just know that everything is going to be allright. you and i both know that were going to make this work. I.L.JAB too much for it to stop now.
-Last Happy Birthday Auntie. I Love Yah.
-Made a bet with Joanne that if I pass my permit test first try then she has to drive me any where id like to go for the whole day. But if I somehow fail then I have to drive her anywhere when i do pass. Shes paying for gas though.
-During tutoring after school I found out that my locker was trasehd with sardines. I was pretty pissed. I ran down there to check it out because I have some pretty important shit in there. Turns out that it was the locker next to mines. Which happens to be Gabe's and Armondo's. They are about to be pissed. These locker wars of ours are pretty intense. They also got Patricks locker but luckily he had just changed locker but he still had old stuff in there and got sardines all over it. That smell was terrifying.
-Walked home from tutoring and it was all ready sunset. I got to the top of the trail by where i live and posted for a couple of minutes. Sat and watched the sunset. It was pretty nice. Wish i had a camera. Could have took a pano pic. The colors were beautiful and the moon was huge. It was nice to just sit there and think for a minute. Made me think that everything for me is going just great. Great relationship, no drama with the friends, family is all good, but the only thing wrong is my grades. Im slacking real bad and i need to bring those up. But it was nice to just kick back for a bit.
-And Brandi please dont worry about a thing. I know we talked about this already but still just know that everything is going to be allright. you and i both know that were going to make this work. I.L.JAB too much for it to stop now.
-Last Happy Birthday Auntie. I Love Yah.

Nov 11, 2008
Great Company.
Today was another great day. Went to the mall with Will so he could meet up with Whitney and I could meet up with BRANDI. We got there at about 1 and I was the thrid wheel till about 4 when Brandi got there. Like usuall she looked pretty but she would disagree. We left will and his date and went around the mall. She got her Honeydew snowbubble drink which she very much loves. Then she gave me this hundreds sticker which was hella nice. Thank you. Walked around for a little bit then headed to old navy. She shopped, I just helped out. And dont worry I wasnt bored. It was great being with her today, just like it always is. Time got cut short though and I had to leave. We only got to be with eachother for a good hour and a half or so. But i love being with her though. She makes me happy, even when it does get a little quiet and she stares at me. I love that. Man i wish i could have stayed with her longer. At least I get to see her on friday at the dance. Maybe even before that.=)
Nov 9, 2008
Yesterday was a really, really great day. I went to Brandi's Birthday Party with Will, Axl, Nick, Marvin and Lorenzo. Man I was hella nervous because I was going to meet her mom for the first time. DJ got there a little late but once he got there it started to get crackin. Met some new people and they were pretty cool. Then there was the dancing. took a while but Brandi and i danced and she tried to break me off but it wasent happening.=) Thats all i really did was just dance with her and stuff. It was fun. I got to hold her plenty of times. Which was even better. Oh yah she does'nt really like that picture of us beacuse she got caked and had to wash her hair thats why it looks wet. Im Tellin you though Brandi dont trip im still going to think your pretty no matter what. Anyways we danced alot but it got cut short when i had to leave. I was pretty sad that I had to leave already because I really wanted to stay with her. She waited outside with us till our ride came and i just held her. Kinnda got the talk by someone but they are just trying to look out for her. When i got home i just talked to Brandi for the rest of the night. Perfect way to end the day. I got to see her, Got to hold her, then talked the night away. Woke up to her voice because we fell asleep on the phone again and was happy to hear her first thing in the morning.
11/8/08 is the date to remember.
She told me something that made me feel really special.
In the middle of the party she asked me to Sadies with this big ass poster.
(Sadie Hawkins Dance is where the girls ask the guys to the dance just in case you didnt know)
Your to sweet.
Nov 3, 2008
Halloween, Samantha's birthday, X-park
-friday i had to dress up because i was part of the filipino show. i sang nandito ako. ahahah good shit. after school i went to marvins house and kicked it with him, axl, lorenzo, and austin for halloween. It was a pretty wack ass halloween. didnt do much. but did manage to get some candy. i used a "yes on prop 8" sign as a candy bag. i still say no on prop 8 tho but im not gay. dont get the wrong idea. i just think that people should be happy and be able to get married. then i went home and talked to my cutie for the rest of the night. love our long ass talks.
-saturday i woke up to brandi's voice. =) we fell asleep on the phone and the whole call lasted 10 hours and 30 something minutes. I was sapposed to hang out with her on saturday but couldnt cuz her mom wouldnt take her out here. but its okay we'll get our time. then stayed home for heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeela long with nothing to do. got a text at 4 asking if i wanted to go out to eat for my friends birthday. so i did that at about 6. we ate at cha-am. had a great time. then had some rubios cuz i didnt eat. after we all ate we went to trisha's house and kicked it there. danced a little bit and broke off angel. What chu know. ahahah im forever going to remember that. i gots mad skills. ahahaha wow. then we had to go cuz i was going to sleep at marvins house. on our way home we wittnessed a car accident on redwood. this guy was drunk and jumped a fence and knocked over a fire hydrent. mist filled the air. the dude got out the car like it was nothing and got a bat out of his trunk and walked away. i guess he didnt want to get caught. dumb nigga. after the cops got there we dicided to go to the house cuz we didnt want them to question us. Had some good laughs that night and didnt knock out till 4.
-sunday morning came and we got kicked out of marvins house at 9:30 and we all split up. will and axl walked home and daniel, nick and i went to wendy's to grab a bite to eat. shopped at oldnavy but didnt get anything. walked home and did my chores. got a call at about 1 and rushed on my chores so i could get to benecia to skate. aaron and i killed the park and locked down a couple of moves. came home at 8 and had some gooooooooood ass pizza. got full off of 2 slices. after dinner i just talked to brandi for the rest of the night.
Somewhat cracking ass weekend. except that i didnt get to see brandi. hopefully i get to see her next week ent on her birthday. Her birthday is on FRIDAY woohoo.
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