Oct 8, 2008


Who am I? What am I? Why the fuck do I matter? I dont undestand some shit in life. No one really does though right? So much on my mind i cant even think of what to type, let alone what to say. I have a blank ass mind but at the same time theres shit running through it constantly. Make sense? Im in a mode right now where i have to have complete silence. Think about shit. Im unhappy right now. Life isint going so well for me right. But then again it never goes well for anybody for a set period of time. Im not emo if thats what your thinking, im just emotionless, no feelings, well maybe hungry but other than that im just sittin here like fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. On stuck mode. How do i break outta this shit? Man i miss church. Honestly i loved going through the whole confirmation class. I wished it never ended. Everyone was so loving and caring. My self esteem was at its highest point during that period of time. I think i need an adventure. Not necessarily one of getting lost in the forest and having the trouble of finding your way out but more like.... realistic, something fun that can keep me occupied for a good period of time. What is this post about?. Shit i dont even know. Im trippin right now. Gotta get it together. my shits scattered like 52 card pickup.

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