Moderately chill day. School was the same as usuall. First through third was wack like usuall then hit fourth, we've had a different sub for the past 2 weeks but the one today was different. He was hellllla cool, he got all philisophical on are sophmore asses. Which is pretty chill because Philosophy has my interest. He said "We have all knowledge, from the samllest of things to the largest of things, we know it all, its just a matter of finding the right person to help pull it out of you." he said this because when he's teaching us hes not really putting it into our heads hes actualy pulling it out from our minds. then he talked about how the center of the universe is wherever you are. And talked about cause and effect which was pretty cool. He was a deep teacher and makes shit interesting. Hopefully hes a long-term sub. Then after school i skated. Then found out that i have unlimited texting now.
P.S. I can not wait till saturday because ill finally get to see Brandi. And no your not going to pay for me. No acceptions. ahahah
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