Jan 13, 2009


So today had me starving. After school i went to the first tennis conditioning of the year. I think i did pretty well. Well with the running anywyas. I suck at tennis but ill eventually get better. Just have to strive for greatness. Hopefully ill be better by the time season starts.

I'm a little more than half way to my camera. Depends on which one imma get and from where. There having sales everywhere and im trying to get one quickly before the sales end. Yay Im hopefully aiming to get it by march. At the least anywyas.

after this camera thing is over and bought then ill get back to the sneaker thing. But untill then im good with my beaters.

Oh and today i wore my hair forward. I look just like my friend Balls and in history we switched seats and i pretended to be him. I could have got away with it but everyone in class kept laughing so he took a closer look and noticed it was me. but that shit was hella funny tho.

Good day.

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