-Saturday I went to Brandi's brothers 1st birthday. He's hella cute. Hung out with her and her family. Then posted in her room and watched Lisa Lampaneli. Funny shit. I Love when Babe holds me. Got picked up, then went home around 10. I love you Brandi.
-Sunday decided to skate. Its been a week and i felt hella sketchy for the frist hour. Dipped to safeway and Turned hella hella puonds of change to cash and only made $26.22. Got picked up by Mihkel and went back to the park. Met up with hella people and rolled 3 cars deep to Benecia park. Skated there for hours..... Then went back to vallejo and skated what is currently known as Vallerics. It was my first time and i was "SPOOKED" as fuck. Seceret shit Tho so im not getting in to detail on where it is. Its an old warehouse thats gated up. Skated it, played a couple of games of skate then left. As we were walking out the cops were posted out in the front and we thought we were caught up but we snuck into our car and drove around them. Scariest shit ever. But if we play our cards right we might rent it out. "Rainy Skates"? Ahaha we weren't the founders but we will be the owners. Comin soon.
-Also came up on some Shekler 2's for the freehundred. Thanks B but ill drop you some cash tho.

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