Jan 19, 2009

But, .......Your Beautiful.

-Sorry about that last post alex. I love yah little mexican friend of mines.

-Weekend was crackin. But im only going to speak about Sunday...................... So i woke up to Brandi's "good morning, I love you text" and was really anticipating on seeing her. I Tried to see her friday----Failed then i tried to see her on Saturday-----Failed. But on this lovely sunday after noon when i was finally starting to doubt on seeing her this weekend she called and said she could see me. So we got to the movies here in Vallejo and we watched mall cop. That movie wasn't all that great. thought it would be more funny. Then we ate at Rubios and we feasted. After that we got picked up and kicked it at my house. Watched some gay movie about dancing and wrestled a bit. She got dipped by me but she got me back. We played with my sister and chilled till her mom came. Then around 11 i watched Gran Torino. Lets just say it was a Really Really Good movie and i learned more racial slurs for asains than i have in my 15 years of living. then i watched half of "The day the earth stood still" Movie wasn't all that great. I fell asleed on it. I love you Baby.

-I am slowly drifting away from my camera cause i keep spending money. Ugh Ill get there Buy My shit People!!!!!

-Fuck i need to get off i Get projects due tomorrow and i havent even started yet.

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