Jan 8, 2009

2 Months down, Forever to go!

So today was almost perfect. It's my 2 month with Brandi today!=) Happy two months babe. School was cool. Made a sandwhich with langanisa and had it at break. It was very yum. P.e. is cool now Cause My friend Redcoat is in my period now so im not a loner in there anymore. We played Basketball and i kicked his ass. "Im black and i failed at all other sports so i just started skating" True he sucks at basketball. After 6th period i thought it was lunch so i walked to the lunch line and no one was there so i felt hella dumb cuz school was over. Then i got home and then went to the park to skate. I had the MOST EPIC Game of skate with aaron. We played s.k.a.t.i.n.g and we hit every single possible trick we knew so the game took about an hour. I felt Hella ecstatic because we he got me to n and he was at k but i came back and tied the score. The game ended with a nollie 360 pop shuvit. He won but i learned many new tricks today
-Frontside flip
-Fakie tre
-Nollie flip
-Switch flip
-Switch back180
I felt so accomplished and was juiced as fuck. Then i got a ride home by Uncle Jessie and went straight to my homework. Chopped it up with Brandi and she used this ugly-ass-dike-a-delick-sounding Voice changer on her house phone and tried talkin to me. Its really un-attractive and its hella awkward. ahahah Went to eat dinner and i had salmon. Best dinner ive had in a while. Then Called Babe back and she hellped me on my history homework since shes so smart and all with your A+ in honors history! Thanks for the help babe i appreciate it. i love you. Today was fuckin awesome. It would have only been perfect if i could have seen Brandi though. Well you just told me you love me too and i think your annoyed? well today was great.
Thanks for reading and i hope you had a great day too.

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