Jan 30, 2009
Hung out with Daniel, Will, Axl, Lorenzo, Marvin, Jessica, Nikki, and Joanne. Ate sonics and took pictures. Then got dropped off at Isaiah's house. Kicked it in front of his house and talked to his funny ass brother for like an hour. Average day.
Jan 29, 2009
Staci we driffted apart=(. but this year were is differnt. I promise we'll kick it more. I miss coming to you for my problems. Your my best friend girl. Dont get mixed up people. She's just my best friend thats a girl. I love yah staci.
Jan 28, 2009
I miss....
- summer skating
- my other shoes
- old friends
- elementary school
- middle school
- my short hair(kind of)
- easier school work
- my 3.7 gpa
- alot of other stuff but i cant think. My minds at max capacity, need to let somethings out.
Jan 25, 2009
Little mans birthday/ Vallejo's first and only Indoor park.
-Saturday I went to Brandi's brothers 1st birthday. He's hella cute. Hung out with her and her family. Then posted in her room and watched Lisa Lampaneli. Funny shit. I Love when Babe holds me. Got picked up, then went home around 10. I love you Brandi.
-Sunday decided to skate. Its been a week and i felt hella sketchy for the frist hour. Dipped to safeway and Turned hella hella puonds of change to cash and only made $26.22. Got picked up by Mihkel and went back to the park. Met up with hella people and rolled 3 cars deep to Benecia park. Skated there for hours..... Then went back to vallejo and skated what is currently known as Vallerics. It was my first time and i was "SPOOKED" as fuck. Seceret shit Tho so im not getting in to detail on where it is. Its an old warehouse thats gated up. Skated it, played a couple of games of skate then left. As we were walking out the cops were posted out in the front and we thought we were caught up but we snuck into our car and drove around them. Scariest shit ever. But if we play our cards right we might rent it out. "Rainy Skates"? Ahaha we weren't the founders but we will be the owners. Comin soon.
-Also came up on some Shekler 2's for the freehundred. Thanks B but ill drop you some cash tho.

Jan 24, 2009
Rackin 12?

So on Tursday night I went to school to watch Brandi play basketball against my school. Watched it with Axl and Redcoat. Babe was gettin off at the game tho! Scored 12 points. Pretty beasty. I new our team was weak but i didnt know we sucked that much. Shit i was rooting for Rod. At one point they were down by 30. Dayuuuuuuuuum. Was a great night. She walked me to my car and said hi to my mom and dad. Then gave her a good bye hug. I love yah babe.
Jan 21, 2009
size 8.5
juge condition by pics.
offer me.
only flaw: ONLY a couple of tiny water marks. Barely visable.
Jan 19, 2009
But, .......Your Beautiful.
-Sorry about that last post alex. I love yah little mexican friend of mines.
-Weekend was crackin. But im only going to speak about Sunday...................... So i woke up to Brandi's "good morning, I love you text" and was really anticipating on seeing her. I Tried to see her friday----Failed then i tried to see her on Saturday-----Failed. But on this lovely sunday after noon when i was finally starting to doubt on seeing her this weekend she called and said she could see me. So we got to the movies here in Vallejo and we watched mall cop. That movie wasn't all that great. thought it would be more funny. Then we ate at Rubios and we feasted. After that we got picked up and kicked it at my house. Watched some gay movie about dancing and wrestled a bit. She got dipped by me but she got me back. We played with my sister and chilled till her mom came. Then around 11 i watched Gran Torino. Lets just say it was a Really Really Good movie and i learned more racial slurs for asains than i have in my 15 years of living. then i watched half of "The day the earth stood still" Movie wasn't all that great. I fell asleed on it. I love you Baby.
-I am slowly drifting away from my camera cause i keep spending money. Ugh Ill get there Buy My shit People!!!!!
-Fuck i need to get off i Get projects due tomorrow and i havent even started yet.
-Weekend was crackin. But im only going to speak about Sunday...................... So i woke up to Brandi's "good morning, I love you text" and was really anticipating on seeing her. I Tried to see her friday----Failed then i tried to see her on Saturday-----Failed. But on this lovely sunday after noon when i was finally starting to doubt on seeing her this weekend she called and said she could see me. So we got to the movies here in Vallejo and we watched mall cop. That movie wasn't all that great. thought it would be more funny. Then we ate at Rubios and we feasted. After that we got picked up and kicked it at my house. Watched some gay movie about dancing and wrestled a bit. She got dipped by me but she got me back. We played with my sister and chilled till her mom came. Then around 11 i watched Gran Torino. Lets just say it was a Really Really Good movie and i learned more racial slurs for asains than i have in my 15 years of living. then i watched half of "The day the earth stood still" Movie wasn't all that great. I fell asleed on it. I love you Baby.
-I am slowly drifting away from my camera cause i keep spending money. Ugh Ill get there Buy My shit People!!!!!
-Fuck i need to get off i Get projects due tomorrow and i havent even started yet.
Jan 14, 2009
Today was interesting. I dont really have time to write about the exciting stuff but i did have a chance to cop some beat sea crystal's. Traded my waterfall team editions plus 15 for them. They look pretty good with the blue laces on them. Might be looking to sell these.
Taking all kinds of trades or cash offers.
Hit me up.

Jan 13, 2009
So today had me starving. After school i went to the first tennis conditioning of the year. I think i did pretty well. Well with the running anywyas. I suck at tennis but ill eventually get better. Just have to strive for greatness. Hopefully ill be better by the time season starts.
I'm a little more than half way to my camera. Depends on which one imma get and from where. There having sales everywhere and im trying to get one quickly before the sales end. Yay Im hopefully aiming to get it by march. At the least anywyas.
after this camera thing is over and bought then ill get back to the sneaker thing. But untill then im good with my beaters.
Oh and today i wore my hair forward. I look just like my friend Balls and in history we switched seats and i pretended to be him. I could have got away with it but everyone in class kept laughing so he took a closer look and noticed it was me. but that shit was hella funny tho.
Good day.
I'm a little more than half way to my camera. Depends on which one imma get and from where. There having sales everywhere and im trying to get one quickly before the sales end. Yay Im hopefully aiming to get it by march. At the least anywyas.
after this camera thing is over and bought then ill get back to the sneaker thing. But untill then im good with my beaters.
Oh and today i wore my hair forward. I look just like my friend Balls and in history we switched seats and i pretended to be him. I could have got away with it but everyone in class kept laughing so he took a closer look and noticed it was me. but that shit was hella funny tho.
Good day.
Jan 12, 2009
You got me, I got you
So today was pretty wack. Just another normal day kind of.
Im kind of Mad.
I may have not done anything big.
But i still have your back for the bigger shit. Alright?
Where the Fuck did they come from?
Im kind of Mad.
I may have not done anything big.
But i still have your back for the bigger shit. Alright?
Where the Fuck did they come from?
Jan 11, 2009
staying together > falling apart
i dont really remember what i have done this weekend. i think i just skated friday night and saturday afternoon. went to the mall saturday night and seen hella familiar faces. sunday i skated again and thats about it. nothing really interesting happened this weekend. except for somewhat randomly out of no where seeing Brandi. sorry this post is boring but oh the fuck well.
Kicks for sale!!!
hit me up
and also a camera.
4.0 megapixel hp photosmart camera.
slight scratch.
takes great pictures still.
not asking for much.
Kicks for sale!!!
hit me up
and also a camera.
4.0 megapixel hp photosmart camera.
slight scratch.
takes great pictures still.
not asking for much.
Jan 8, 2009
2 Months down, Forever to go!
So today was almost perfect. It's my 2 month with Brandi today!=) Happy two months babe. School was cool. Made a sandwhich with langanisa and had it at break. It was very yum. P.e. is cool now Cause My friend Redcoat is in my period now so im not a loner in there anymore. We played Basketball and i kicked his ass. "Im black and i failed at all other sports so i just started skating" True he sucks at basketball. After 6th period i thought it was lunch so i walked to the lunch line and no one was there so i felt hella dumb cuz school was over. Then i got home and then went to the park to skate. I had the MOST EPIC Game of skate with aaron. We played s.k.a.t.i.n.g and we hit every single possible trick we knew so the game took about an hour. I felt Hella ecstatic because we he got me to n and he was at k but i came back and tied the score. The game ended with a nollie 360 pop shuvit. He won but i learned many new tricks today
-Frontside flip
-Fakie tre
-Nollie flip
-Switch flip
-Switch back180
I felt so accomplished and was juiced as fuck. Then i got a ride home by Uncle Jessie and went straight to my homework. Chopped it up with Brandi and she used this ugly-ass-dike-a-delick-sounding Voice changer on her house phone and tried talkin to me. Its really un-attractive and its hella awkward. ahahah Went to eat dinner and i had salmon. Best dinner ive had in a while. Then Called Babe back and she hellped me on my history homework since shes so smart and all with your A+ in honors history! Thanks for the help babe i appreciate it. i love you. Today was fuckin awesome. It would have only been perfect if i could have seen Brandi though. Well you just told me you love me too and i think your annoyed? well today was great.
Thanks for reading and i hope you had a great day too.
-Frontside flip
-Fakie tre
-Nollie flip
-Switch flip
-Switch back180
I felt so accomplished and was juiced as fuck. Then i got a ride home by Uncle Jessie and went straight to my homework. Chopped it up with Brandi and she used this ugly-ass-dike-a-delick-sounding Voice changer on her house phone and tried talkin to me. Its really un-attractive and its hella awkward. ahahah Went to eat dinner and i had salmon. Best dinner ive had in a while. Then Called Babe back and she hellped me on my history homework since shes so smart and all with your A+ in honors history! Thanks for the help babe i appreciate it. i love you. Today was fuckin awesome. It would have only been perfect if i could have seen Brandi though. Well you just told me you love me too and i think your annoyed? well today was great.
Thanks for reading and i hope you had a great day too.
Jan 7, 2009
Even brobee is a shoehead
Boring day. Skated after school then went to my orthodontist appointment. Typical day. Hopefully tomorrows good cause its me and Brandi's 2 months. Ily baby. And i hope saturday works out.
-Pictures from earlier. I was Bored out of my mind.

-Pictures from earlier. I was Bored out of my mind.

Jan 6, 2009
Fuckin Lyrics Straight Heat.
Listen to this song! Gets me juiced to kick someones ass and the dude is spittin fire.
"Cuz I aint never felt fists it didnt hurt, Self-defense is for bitches you should hit that nigga first. You should hit that nigga once, you should hit that nigga last, you should Fuck him up at lunch, kick his ass then get to class."
I Been Runnin - Johnny Polygon
"Cuz I aint never felt fists it didnt hurt, Self-defense is for bitches you should hit that nigga first. You should hit that nigga once, you should hit that nigga last, you should Fuck him up at lunch, kick his ass then get to class."
I Been Runnin - Johnny Polygon
"MMMMMmmMMM You smell like fresh laundry"
-Today was Bethel's first day back at school. Pretty gay first day and this year is not starting off so well. One Teacher Past away rest in peace Ms. Williams. Another Had complications with his surgery so he left for the rest of the year. And i heard another quit? I dont know for sure.
Final exam scores:
Honors History-_-F
Yah im slipppin but 09 is my year so im comin up nigga. Dont Trip.
Today i just came home and Ate. Ill probly skate tomorrow.
Thanks for reading.
P.S. I know its Hard for you right now babe. But im here for you no matter what. I love you.
Final exam scores:
Honors History-_-F
Yah im slipppin but 09 is my year so im comin up nigga. Dont Trip.
Today i just came home and Ate. Ill probly skate tomorrow.
Thanks for reading.
P.S. I know its Hard for you right now babe. But im here for you no matter what. I love you.
So i guess i was a form of inspiration and somehow inspired my friend to make a blog.
Her name is MonicaCourtneyChong
i have talked about her in my blog recently.
Read here
Her name is MonicaCourtneyChong
i have talked about her in my blog recently.
Read here
Jan 4, 2009
So yet again i have FAILED at school.
i had two weeks to do make up work and i havent touched a pen to paper since the last day of school.
If anything i am going to have to drop history honors and join another class.
Thats weak shit. And its all cuz im fuckin lazy. This year has to be better. No more slippin. I need some fuckin motivation or something.
I hope i can get my gpa back to at least a 3.7 by the end of this quarter. Otherwise its my ass in trouble. Fuck!!!!!
i had two weeks to do make up work and i havent touched a pen to paper since the last day of school.
If anything i am going to have to drop history honors and join another class.
Thats weak shit. And its all cuz im fuckin lazy. This year has to be better. No more slippin. I need some fuckin motivation or something.
I hope i can get my gpa back to at least a 3.7 by the end of this quarter. Otherwise its my ass in trouble. Fuck!!!!!
Hustle business.
To cop list:
-***nikon d60 or Canon rebel xs
-dqm chukkas
-navy blue w/tap chukkas
-huf snakeskin chukkas
-undftd skate hi's grn/ylw
-***nikon d60 or Canon rebel xs
-dqm chukkas
-navy blue w/tap chukkas
-huf snakeskin chukkas
-undftd skate hi's grn/ylw
"Ay Check my hype nigga"
Yesterday was weird. Dont really feel like explaining. What i can say is:
-i came up 80$ after a meet up.
-got a sweater from target with my giftcard.
-traded my 8 dollar target giftcard for a 12 dollar oldnavy card.
-bought an old navy sweater.(Dudes a dumbass for trading me cards.)
-got a line on film: treflip, Backsidefkip, Fakiefullcab
-hit nearly 15 treflips in a row.
-KnH crew neck sweater getting done sometime soon.
and i need not forget to mention my friend monica courtney.
She wanted me to write about when we met at the football game.
i dont really remember what happened. but what i do remember is her punk ass friend threw my hat on the dirt.
anyways have a nice day.
-i came up 80$ after a meet up.
-got a sweater from target with my giftcard.
-traded my 8 dollar target giftcard for a 12 dollar oldnavy card.
-bought an old navy sweater.(Dudes a dumbass for trading me cards.)
-got a line on film: treflip, Backsidefkip, Fakiefullcab
-hit nearly 15 treflips in a row.
-KnH crew neck sweater getting done sometime soon.
and i need not forget to mention my friend monica courtney.
She wanted me to write about when we met at the football game.
i dont really remember what happened. but what i do remember is her punk ass friend threw my hat on the dirt.
anyways have a nice day.
Jan 2, 2009
City with:
Pretty fun.
New Pick up(s)

*BONUS i got an old/new phone. So now i can text. Hit me up and i dont know why the picture is upside down but oh well.
Thanks for reading
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