Apr 25, 2009

Mindset: Ignorance

Im up too fuckin early on a saturday man. I havnt blogged much. Nothing much has really happened. I got a strait reality check by my girlfriend the other night. Ahah Didnt see that commin. Man..... anyways. I seen her on thurday. Match at hogan. Went with Daniel. Then friday was weak. Went to the mall hoping on coppin a couple hats but they didnt have my size in any of the ones i wanted. wack. Prom is today. Some of the homies are goin. Dont really care much for it. I want to experience it when im there junior and senior year. I dont know why people trip over it. But to the homies BE SAFE TONIGHT. For me shit ill just be chillin. Hit me up. I dont have shit to do.

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