Apr 15, 2009

Daaaaaayum homie.

School was wack again. Got my phone and ipod took in 2nd period algebra 2. Made my mile in P.e. Then after school i skated. Wouped Marcus and almost wouped shane in S.k.a.t.e. I learned nollie backside flips!!! yee. Lost my treflips tho. And My homie Daniel ("D with the scrape") got hit in the face with his board. Chipped his tooth and took a chunk out of his lip. Shit was nasty. Then there was this dude that i always see around school with a skateboard lookin at me. But ive never seen him at the park before. But today i did. Finally i played him in skate. We didnt finish tho. He got me to K and i got him to T. It was gunna be over but i had to dip home. Ups to Justin. Word to Daniel for passing his permit test. Imma take mines tomorrow hopefully. Any ways have a nice day. Hi BestfriendMonica!

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