-I love pissing Mr. Manansala off. I push his buttons to the fuckin limits everysingle day. But i do know that i do realize that i am an ignorant, smart ass litle kid. Ahaha.
-Redcaot seems to inspire me. He always has a smile on and make people laugh. Today i went with him to his job interview and we were in the waiting room waiting on his name to be called. Everyone had a straight/serious/mug on their face. all but redcaot. He was smiling, laughing and jokin around. I could tell that he made some peoples days better with that laugh.
just been fuckin around with my camera.

A little B&W anyone?

Expeiremented with my camera and black construction paper.

-I Love you Babe.....
1 comment:
): I'm sorry you've been irritated lately. I hope your days lighten up, at least you can look forward to the summer (: that construction paper picture is really cool btw, looks photoshopped haha
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