May 21, 2009


Sorry i havn't blogged lately. I've been busy with school and stuff. Im strait stressed. Everything is irritating me. People annoy the shit out of me. people have noticed that something has been wrong with me lately. Fuck off!

-I love pissing Mr. Manansala off. I push his buttons to the fuckin limits everysingle day. But i do know that i do realize that i am an ignorant, smart ass litle kid. Ahaha.

-Redcaot seems to inspire me. He always has a smile on and make people laugh. Today i went with him to his job interview and we were in the waiting room waiting on his name to be called. Everyone had a straight/serious/mug on their face. all but redcaot. He was smiling, laughing and jokin around. I could tell that he made some peoples days better with that laugh.

just been fuckin around with my camera.
A little B&W anyone?
Expeiremented with my camera and black construction paper.

-I Love you Babe.....

1 comment:

Dris said...

): I'm sorry you've been irritated lately. I hope your days lighten up, at least you can look forward to the summer (: that construction paper picture is really cool btw, looks photoshopped haha