Dec 5, 2008

scooooot the Fuck over

uhhm today was a normal friday. Everything as usuall. But the only thing new is that i got kicked in the face today by patrick. So now i know understand what ludacris was talking about when he said "you could meet the bottom of my nikes" well i think it was luda. Anyways to make a long story short all of us at school mess around with eachother nonstop. From flipping backpacks to knocking eachothers books out one anothers hands to getting them in trouble in class to trashing lockers with bago'ong and tuna. But today Patrick tried to throw my beanie in a tree and it didnt work so i pushed him over and reached for it and my face met the bottom of his shoe. It wasn't pleasent but it did'nt hurt. Right away at least. but i did manage to get him back by pouring his whole english binder onto the floor while the wind was blowing. well anyways my nose hurts right now cuz of the hit. imma go get some ice. thanks for reading. Cant wait to see Brandi monday!

1 comment:

Jason said...

haha that shit was so funny. heard you had a nose belled sweety.

he may have fixed your lazy eye. haha