Sep 3, 2009


First AP U.S. History test today. Its crazy
how noone can get higher then a "C" on any
of em. School has kept me stacked with homework.
i havnt had time to skate, take pictures,
hang out with my friends, or see Brandi. Shit
man i havnt even had enough sleep these past
3 weeks. Shit well Thank god that tomorrow
is friday. Hopefully ill get all that other
stuff done. Im going to possibly get my flash
this weekend. and ill possibly make a light
box, and get my bike back from axl. FML.

1 comment:

Dris said...

omg, I hella feel you! I have no social life anymore cuz school + homework (+tennis) takes up soooo much time! and fuck dude, I gave myself a total of 15 on the APUSH quiz ):