Sep 12, 2009

Up in the morn.

Woke up mad early and hit up berkeley with
my auntie. hit the flea market. Then other
stores. the weather was fuckin stupid. raining
every 20 minutes. It was on some bipolar
shit. Picked up a shirt at 510 and a couple
of stickers. Then finished it off by eating
this delicious ass sandwhich. Some type of
steak. Good ass shit tho. Wish i woulda
brought the camera. =/

about 5 weeks in these jeans
unstitched the design on the right back pocket.
debating on doing the left or not. But my wallet
fade is commin in nicely.

1 comment:

Jason said...

i wish i could get that much wear on 511s. but i keep switching from skulls to Levis every week.