Jul 29, 2009

Staci R.

I got this in a comment from One of my best friendgirls. Staci. I love yah.

"i dont think i've ever told you but im really happy that i have you as a friend actually no not a friend a "bestest buddy". =) time is just flying past us so quick like can you believe we met each other 2922 days ago thats including leap year (8 years ago) haha. but anyways i was just sitting here thinking about how much we grew up. i was trying to remember something about you in each grade and i came up with some good ones. here!
3rd grade
1. I remember you asking for my number and i gave it to you but i put beware of brothers on the paper hah and you didnt want my number anymore. haha
4th grade
1. you were too cool for me. ha you were with all the 5th graders being a real OG!!
5th grade
1. you went out with Alexa but liked Alexis.
2. you were in a danced little group at school. you and like david corrie i think got like shirts.
3. we would talk to each other on the phone all the time while watching sister sister . haa
6th grade
1. we barely hung out cause i was with all the black people in the back . hahah
2. you went out with Brenda
7th grade
1. we started to hang out a little bit cause i started to hang out with you guys from wardlaw again.
8th grade
1. got you the Staci & Jp best friends shirt for christmas.
2. took the ride or die studio pictures.
3. you wearing my scooby doo outfit. ha
9th grade
1. having to go to different schoools
2. you rolling down my street with your skate board i think
10th grade
1. how tall your getting.
2. your long hair just makes me what to brush it. ha

well yeah i was just really bored and thought i'd put this little long piece of work on your comment box. ha LOVE YOU & HOPE YOU LIKE THIS !! ♥ StaciNicole!"

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