Jun 25, 2009


1 am and im up doing nothing. Havnt really blogged lately. just been posting pictures. Anyways this week is going by way to slow, slower than usual. Its killin me because i havnt had any contact with my girlfriend since shes on a cruise. Just cant wait till she gets back so she could give me a 2 hour long summary of her trip=). I dont know when ill get to talk to her tho. Sometime this weekend. But it will be relieving to hear her voice. Hopefully i get to see her soon too because i havnt seen her in a while. Shes probably on a beach somewhere in the world chillaxin. I hope your havin fun babe. I love yah.

Despite the slow passing of this week it has been pretty decent. Just skated my ass off. Took many pictures since Greg is making me the team photographer. Im still a newb at it tho but he sees the potiential. Uhhh i watched my friend break his wrist and the first thing he said to me after it broke was the he was hungry. Pretty beasty if yah ask me. Hes alright now. probly wont see him for a while. man im soo bored right now.

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