Mar 12, 2009

Please no......

Today i was at school for at least 12 hours strait. from 7am-7pm. Man i have no life. But lets see. I went to school, Did the usual, Get detention, then go to tutoring, Then play tennis. I played in a game against Axl and lost 6-2. But im getting better tho. Im failing Math-_- because im slackin on homework. But on the bright side my teacher Ms. Werris and I chopped it up over hip-hop and what not. It was prett cool I didnt knwo she was into that type of music. Turns out she is. and its like all the same shit i listen too. And whoever that stalker is, is trying to apologize for this shit. They put another letter in my locker and tried to apologize and even gave me a number. AHAHAHAH NO your fucking gay bro. Im fucking strait, How about this: You all get a Fucking life and i wont post your Fucking number on my blog so that everyone can prank call your ass. And i know who the Fuck you are. Fagget ass salano kids........ freshmen. I'm not sorry if my words hurt you. You put this upon your selves. Dumbasses.

Have a nice day. I love you Brandi.

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