Jul 29, 2008


hey you finally got your glasses back.
but you still ruin my day.
and that damn lazy eye of mines controls me.

Jul 27, 2008


finally. i get to watch avatar.
i missed it the first time so i had to stay home today till 2 just to watch it.
but it was all worth it.
avatar kicks ass.

Jul 26, 2008

skate hard or your hardly skatin.

happy birthday to will.
today we went to the city premiere.
then kicked it at aj's house.
made a bonfire.
and didnt get home till 4.
damn im lucky my parents werent home.

Jul 24, 2008

today tho we watched handcock.(footvagina)
that sucked too.

well the movie sucked.

but kikin it with the freinds was cool.


upperplaygroundtee x 5dollarwalmartkicks

yesterday we took the bus out to amcan skate park.

shit was cool.

coulda been better.

but i did get to drink

some tasty ass horchata.

Jul 20, 2008


pretty chill.
seek and destroyed this set.
didnt get any good pictures off us sessioning it.
but we killed it.

i be on like shit, pop a pill, split the swish, hit the fifth, im lit

soo today we were sapposed to watch batman but my friend flaked.
soo we ended up skatin.
fished my friends skateboard out of the gutter.
killed big 3.
sessioned this sauce ass rail.
then finished it off with some 99 cent sweet tea with 4 creamers.
good shit.

Jul 18, 2008

Jul 6, 2008

new to this type a shit

damn been meaning to make one of these things since summer started.
i was waitin till i get a new camera soo i can post pictures of my daily life and shit.
but i'd rather just start now.